Our New Christmas Tree and Creating New Traditions
This is the most beautiful tree we’ve ever owned. It's a far cry from the one we had when Clay and I first moved in together, but seemed fitting to update our tree this year as we’ve expanded our little family and our babes are becoming more interested in Christmas!
In the past, I haven’t always loved Christmas, and not for any grinch-like reasons - there is a lot more to the story! The idea of it was exciting and magical, but it was usually a time I spent without, and the lack of love from my parents in my broken home was magnified. I remember distinctly “celebrating” some Christmases alone as a young person and I believe I genuinely started to hate the holiday. I associated the time with uncertainty and it made me question whether I was loved. I was confused as to what Christmas was supposed to mean and confused as to what family meant.
Fast forward to now, and it is incredibly important to me that we create a loving, slow-paced and energy-protective space around this time of year. For us, it’s about making memories; time at the beach, in the pool and imaginations going wild in the backyard. It’s about yummy food, dancing silly and playing board games. It's about being present, and giving presence (not a typo). And it’s about giving with the greatest gift of all, being connection and quality time. That’s what I hope my family gives me each year and me to them.
Me asking you about all of your family traditions probably makes more sense now, huh! It’s been exciting having my own family to create traditions and memories with, and I'm soaking it all in.
Our new tree from Balsam Hill is by far the prettiest tree we've ever owned, and I love that it's our girls' first tree (that they'll remember). When Balsam Hill reached out to work together earlier this year, I thought the images of the trees were pretty, but when it arrived I realised that they do not do these trees justice. They are majestic! So full and lush!
Our tree is the Vermont White Spruce and I opted for the below finishings and extra decorations:
- Silver and Glass Ornament Set
- Ivory Magnolia Picks
- Silver and Gold Beaded Star Tree Topper
- Light Brown Woven Tree Collar
- Gold Fine Mesh Glitter Ribbon
- White Berry Cypress Wreath
The tree was so convenient to set up and has pre-installed lights, which is a look I would never be able to achieve (well maybe, but it would take a LOT work and detangling and I do not have the patience for that!)
I have loved having the tree up in our home already (I may have been waiting for Halloween to be done so I could put the tree up!), and am so excited to create more memories with our girls.
Making the time to share this post, has given me an incredible space to reflect on all that this new tree (a symbol of this holiday season) really means for me.
I've spent a lot of time reflecting on and working through experiences from my youth, and this is one more area that I'm healing and redefining for myself; creating new positive meaning around this time of year with my family.