enrolment fulfilled

🎧 Where self-compassion meets consistency 🎧

Hands up if you've already fallen short on your new year's resolution? Or if you’re tired of repeating the same weekly loop of “I’ll start Monday.” These nasty loops result in you talking unkindly to yourself, making you feel like you’re failing and so the sequence continues.  This used to be me. I’ve experienced the exhausting, repetitive, soul crushing pattern until I worked on my own Wellness Strategy.


There are three main reasons why you’re falling short:


Your motives are not from a helpful or aligned place. If you are making these goals through the lens of self-punishment, I’ve tried this before and it doesn’t last very long before it makes you feel worse than when you started. 

You are over committing without the accountability or community support.  It's hard to make big and sustainable changes when you're on your own. 

Your goals lack clear and actionable details, making the little wins hard to track and your progress vague. This leads to uncertainty, lack of direction making it easier to become demotivated, self-blaming and ultimately, giving up on your goals.

I am here to keep you accountable, cultivate a supportive community and glow up and become a consistent queen.

Imagine the feeling of...

🥝 Achieving a goal and knowing it was powered by self-compassion and not punishment. 

👟 Looking in the mirror and hearing words of acceptance and love not shame and judgement.

💕 Waking up and knowing that your best is good enough - and feeling excited to challenge yourself.

This is who I’ve become and for those who know my story, you would know that is quite the contrast to where I started.

My promise to you is that

This course is a catalyst for great change within you. Glowing from the inside-out is the key to longevity and sustaining an active lifestyle. 

The Wellness Strategy includes:

Exclusive Access to Members Only Portal

Community group inside the Wellness Strategies Platform (Because crushing goals is better when you're doing it with your new wellness BFFs.)

💪🏽 6 Weeks of Home Workouts:

Five workouts a week

Train alongside Revie in real time videos

Minimal equipment needed

Designed for Beginners - Intermediate Gym Girlies

Modules with Yours Truly:

6 game-changing modules including Fitness & Health, Energy Audit (set boundaries like a boss!), Intuition and Goal Setting Mastery, Unlearning Unhelpful Habits (adios, unintentional life), Integrity & Discipline and more.

📚The Wellness Strategy Workbook:

Worksheets provided each week with journal prompts, goal-setting exercises, and habit-tracking goodies. We're basically handing you the secret sauce to success.

💕 Weekly Live Zoom Check-Ins with Revie:

Get ready for a party every week! We'll be checking in live, sometimes with special guests dropping wisdom bombs that’ll blow your mind.

🥝 Limited Spots Available

In Round 2 of The Wellness Strategy we are continuing to keep the numbers capped to ensure Revie can be responsive and tend to our group promptly.

Key Dates to Save:

📅 Enrolment Opens: May 1st
🚀 Challenge Begins: May 19th

How much is the course: $279

Payment Plans available through Afterpay

Why The Wellness Strategy?

Let's face it, sometimes we have so much on our plates, we wish someone could practically do the work for us. Well, unfortunately you have to do the hard part of showing up but leave the rest up to Revie. This isn't just a course; this is revitalisation of you– a declaration of self-love. Together, we're rewriting the rules, backing each other and ourSELVES.

Limited spaces available, because we believe in quality over quantity.

🚀 Secure your spot below!

Are you in? 💖✨

P.S. I am so excited about taking this course! You don’t even understand.


  • Dumbbells (preferably a light option and a heavier option, for example a set of 3kg and a set of 7kg)
  • Exercise Band
  • Skipping Rope
  • Ideally access to a exercise machine but alternatives are provided

The six week training program is designed for beginners to intermediates who need direction accountability and community.

For those who want a switch up in their training, with fun, stimulating workouts that keep you distracted through rep schemes and efforts.

Yes, you can spread your payments using After Pay.

The 6 week program wraps up on the 29th May. We know life happens, so as a beloved Strategist, we will provide you access for an additional 4 weeks before we close our doors.

I feel this! How can I possibly add another “thing” to my to do list when I already feel bogged down? Truthfully this type of lifestyle has helped me become more efficient. Even though there is commitments within this course, it also provides so much clarity on what it is I’m tryiing achieve and reconnects you with your values and therefore prioritiess. So while I get it, I also highly encourage you to put yourself first and this type of work high up on your list, and the rest will fall into place.

For those questioning whether they will complete this 6 weeks, or like many other times, give up within the first two-  it’s my personal endeavor to see you through it. I’ve stopped myself from taking risks or not backed myself on multiple occasions. What that did, was keep me stagnant, kept me small and kept me unhappy. It was only when I did the sh*t that scared me that made me feel the wind of change. But I can’t make you sign up, I can only say that I’ll meet you half way.

I don’t take leaps of faith or your trust in me lightly.  I hope to see you grinning a smile of contentment on the other side of this 6 weeks. Knowing you showed up for yourself and have a whole bunch of new tools in the tool kit for consistency, training and overall wellness. 

Sign me up!

Let’s make it official